maybe it was the air. maybe it was the booze. maybe it was the fact that i was wearing a bright pink wig. whatever it was, people were extremely friendly with sue and i this past carnevale weekend. SO friendly that we were almost victims of the "accidental mouth kiss" (several different times!). you know how the italians always kiss both cheeks, european style? well, what do you do when the guy come a little to close to the mouth? answer: smile awkwardly and stroll away. even the door man at the hotel tried to get some. does my pink wig make me look like i'm gonna give it up to whoever asks? i certainly hope not. in actuality, it's PROBABLY because i was nice. NEVER be nice to italian men. or men from bangladesh (in the door man's case). or men in general. that's the moral of this story.
p.s. i looked up wig fetishes. google doesn't recognize them - but i'm convinced they exist.
You look hot with pink hair.
Then again.. we already knew that. I like the wig kind better. That means you won't spend your time in Italy obsessing over wether the pink has faded. BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW HOW ANNOYING THAT IT!!!
you need pink hair again. done and done.
get it.
hahah of all the ridiculous things that happened "when we went to venice...." only the doorman trying to make out with you made it?? haha so much more goodness....keep focusing on the goodness
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